You’ll enjoy the reliability and flexibility, and your child will love our proven curriculum and fun, safe, secure environment.
5-12 years
This program is truly designed to do just what the name suggests: prepare your child for kindergarten. We provide a school-like setting, enhanced with a balance of activities geared to encourage and promote children to be the best they can be.
If you’re ready for more info, we’d love for you to come visit us
Indoor and outdoor games - Basketball, Air hockey, Ping Pong, Rock n Rail, and table games.
Exciting field trips are planned during school days off and summer break
Safe playground equipment for active play
High-quality after-school care can benefit your child in elementary school and long afterward. Research indicates that effective after-school care programs can improve school attendance, classroom behavior, and academic aspirations. These characteristics can bolster academic success through high school and well into college. Spending time in after-school programs also lays the foundation for healthy lifestyles, from good fitness and nutrition habits. When children are surrounded by opportunities to make good choices in positive and supportive environments, they’re more likely to make better choices for the rest of their lives.